

L.A. // Phx // Health Goth // Fitspo // Millennial // Desert Yoga Princess


2 thoughts on “About

  1. “One day I will find the right words and they will be simple” – Kerouac. Really liked your post “Goals”. I am now 34, but have felt exactly how you feel and at times, very much still do. Life will continue to happen and things will be bad and things will be good. You will continue to fall in love, hurt, wonder what is next, sit up all night with cheap wine and wonder where the time went and whatever other infinite things you can imagine. That sense though, that you were bound to do something else…something bigger….well, that never goes away. Maybe that is because you were meant to. Maybe it is because you just think you deserve it. Either way, it lingers long after everything else fails or fades away. The only real question you have to ask yourself is do you really have anything great to say? If you do…then should you not be saying it?

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